Topic of the Month – August

girl backpack
boy smiling

Differentiating Instruction Quick Links

Teachers Conduct Ongoing Progress Monitoring

Scaffolding/Universal Design for Learning practices are demonstrated

Accommodations or Modifications are Used as Needed

Varieties of group sizes and length of activities are used.

 All Children have Opportunities to Participate with Peers

Facilitating Social Skills Quick Links

Teaching Expectations

Direct Instruction

Supporting Behavior


Providing Choices

Nurturing Environment

Rock Your Classroom Essentials

Rock Your Classroom Observation Guide Checklist

Rock Your Classroom Entire Document

Essentials for Supporting Young Children

Supports and Accommodations for Specially Designed Instruction

Overview of Individualized Supports and Strategies

Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards 2017

Essentials for Social Development and Emotional Competency

Tips to Consider when Addressing Challenging Behaviors

Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes

Classroom Connections to COS

Classroom Spaces Quick Links

Click on  links  below for references, resources, and TATS brief documents. These quick link documents are described in the corresponding sections of “Rock Your Classroom.”

Visual Schedules

Supporting Transitions and Rules
Child-centered Displays
Learning and Instructional Supports
Classroom Set-up and Arrangement

Topic of the Month – July

Educators, along with all staff members in Early Childhood programs continue to support students and families during summer programs. Their dedication continues to be exhibited during July in their interest and work in getting classrooms ready and planning lessons and activities in preparation for programs resuming in August.


The resources listed below are helpful in supporting students who will be transitioning to Kindergarten or to other classrooms to begin the 2023-24 school year. Resources for teachers, staff, and families include the following related to various situations:

TATS Rock Your Classroom Guide to Evidence-based Practices provides descriptions of quality indicators for Early Childhood classrooms along with resources for addressing universal, individualized and intensive levels. The section linked below provides ideas for classroom set-up, including use use of visual supports for children.


Check the TATS Calendar for upcoming opportunities for professional development. Register for training opportunities at the calendar link in the top menu bar of TATS website.

TATS Talks – School

TATS Talks to Families about School

TATS supports families in gaining knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures that promote their full participation in the education of their children who have unique needs.

Briefs for families of young children with unique needs:

Additional Resources for families are listed below:

Family Child Outcome Summary (COS) Brochure  – A guide for families with descriptions of the Child Outcomes Summary process and information about families’ participation.

Early Learning Resources (Division of Early Learning) 

Importance of Pre-K – Information for Families

Transition to Kindergarten from FL Division of Early Learning

Strategies for Teachers and Service Providers

Strategies for Teachers and Service Providers

TATS and FIN Talk about Universal Design in Early Childhood  magazine – a collaborative project of TATS and Florida Inclusion Network (FIN)

Sections of TATS and FIN Talk about Universal Design:

Resources from Head Start Center for Inclusion:

Supporting Integrated Therapy: 

Topic of the Month – June 1

Your time, effort, knowledge and dedication have contributed to the successes and progress of Early Childhood programs this school year. Thank you!


Many students will be transitioning to Kindergarten or to other classrooms to begin the 2023-24 school year. In addition, students might attend Extended School Year programs or various recreational or childcare programs during the summer. Resources for teachers, staff, and families include the following related to various situations.

The previous month’s resources focused on providing information related to summer activities that encourage families to interact in meaningful, fun, and enriching ways to enhance their children’s development. A list of those resources is included here so that this outreach to families may continue.


Check the TATS Calendar for upcoming opportunities for professional development. Register for training opportunities at the calendar link in the top menu bar of TATS website.

TATS Rock Your Classroom Guide to Evidence-based Practices provides descriptions of quality indicators for Early Childhood classrooms along with resources for addressing universal, individualized and intensive levels.