September – Topic of the Month

The TATS Topic of the month is Lesson Planning.

The Lesson Planning section of TATS Rock Your Classroom provides helpful resources for developing strategies for incorporating supports into daily lessons and activities. Resources include examples of forms for lesson plans and daily schedules, along with examples of progress monitoring forms. Resources also include ideas for individualizing instruction and implementing classroom activities related to lessons.

literacy lesson

The information in Lesson Planning is especially helpful for TEACHERS. Please register for the September Learning Community to join in a TATS discussion related to the topics included in Rock Your Classroom.

Following are resources related to helping children during events such as hurricanes:

play dough

The following important documents are included on each Informational page of Rock Your Classroom. These documents are useful in the development of IEP goals and objectives and in identifying and planning for individual strategies to support development and learning.

>>> TATS Talks about Supports and Adaptations (information related to implementation of varying levels and types of supports) and >>> ECTA’s Breadth of the Outcomes.pdf (examples of functional skills within the three child outcomes)

Upcoming Events Calendar

Check the TATS Calendar for upcoming opportunities for professional development.

Plan to join us for the following meetings to gain valuable information: The Learning Community topic for October is Engagement and Responsiveness.  Join us for the October COS Community of Practice, presented in an interactive format.

Steps to Quality for Indicators Below are step-by-step guides for developing processes related to Indicators 6 (Inclusion), 7 (Child Outcomes), and 12 (Transition). These are intended to assist teams through the steps of collecting, analyzing, and using data to inform specific steps to developing quality programs for children.

Indicator 6 (Inclusion) Steps to Quality  

Indicator 7 (Child Outcomes Measures) Steps to Quality  

Indicator 12 (Transition)