Members of TATS staff welcome you to the start of the 2024-25 school year. Many staff members supported early childhood students in summer programs; many engaged in professional learning opportunities; and many planned their classroom arrangements, activities and lessons.

Rock Your Classroom is a collection of suggestions for implementing evidence-based practices in early childhood programs. It is comprised of seven topic areas, each sub-divided into focus components. Rock Your Classroom provides descriptions of quality indicators for Early Childhood classrooms along with resources for addressing universal, individualized and intensive levels.
The Rock Your Classroom section for “Classroom Spaces” provides information for class arrangement, using visual supports as well as selecting and organizing materials.
Link here to take a look at the strategies and resources in Classroom Spaces.
Important informational documents included in Rock Your Classroom are linked below:
- Tips: Essentials for Young Children
- Overview of Individualized Supports
- Tips to Consider when Addressing Challenging Behaviors
- Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes from Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA)

Check out the TATS Calendar at this link or by selecting the link in the top bar of the TATS Website. The calendar includes a variety of professional learning opportunities.