The TATS Topic of the month is ESE Processes. TATS Rock Your Classroom provides helpful resources for summarizing data, developing IEP’s and collaborating with staff and families during discussions.

Refer to the following documents for ideas related to COS processes for communication, emergent literacy, and setting goals:
- Relating Communication Skills to COS
- COS Connections for Emergent Literacy Skills
- COS Connections for Adaptive and Independent Care Skills
TATS resources for collaborating with and supporting families are listed in the Family Involvement section of the TATS home webpage. Important Note: The Family Involvement section includes a Link and QR Code to the 2024-25 ESE Parent Survey.
The following Rules that apply to Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and/or Prekindergarten Children with Disabilities are important in the implementation of ESE programs. Please review these rules and add them to your knowledge base and practice.
- 6A-6.03026 Eligibility Criteria for Prekindergarten Children with Disabilities
- 6A-6.03027 Special Programs for Children Three Through Nine Years Old who are Developmentally Delayed.
- 6A-6.03028 Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities
- 6A-6.03311 Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures for Parents and Students with Disabilities.
- 6A-6.0331 General Education Intervention Procedures, Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, Reevaluation and the Provision of Exceptional Student Education Services
- F.S. § 1003.03 Maximum class size
- F.S. § 1003.21 School attendance
- F.S. § 1008.25 Public school student progression; student support; reporting requirements
- 34 CFR 300.124 Part C to Part B

Check the TATS Calendar for upcoming opportunities for professional learning.
Plan to join us for the following meetings to participate in professional learning and gain valuable information.
Remember that your TATS Regional Facilitators and other staff members are here to assist you.
Refer to TATS Calendar tabs for updated Professional Learning Opportunities, as well as for updated Office Hours for Regional Facilitators.