- Family Involvement
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Family Involvement Section Content

Select a tab at the side. Topics include a series of "TATS Talks to Families" which include information about special education services and about strategies for helping your child at home. Topics also include child development milestones.

TATS Talks to Families about School
TATS supports families in gaining knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures that promote their full participation in the education of their children who have unique needs.
Briefs for families of young children with unique needs:
- TATS Talks: Pre-K and Disabilities
- TATS Hablar con las Familias - Sobre Pre-K para ninos con discapacidades - Pre-K and Disabilities (Spanish)
- TATS Talks: Pre-K Programs and Services
- TATS Hablar con las Familias - Sobre los Programas de Prekinder - Pre-K Programs (Spanish)
- TATS Talks: Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
- TATS Talks: Transition
- TATS Talks: Kindergarten Transition and Services
- Helping Your Child with Kindergarten Transition and Readiness
Additional Resources for families are listed below:
Family Child Outcome Summary (COS) Brochure – A guide for families with descriptions of the Child Outcomes Summary process and information about families’ participation.
Early Learning Resources (Division of Early Learning)
Importance of Pre-K – Information for Families
Transition to Kindergarten from FL Division of Early Learning
Child Development Resources
Help Me Grow Florida
Help Me Grow Florida promotes early identification of developmental, behavioral or educational concerns, then links children and families to community-based services and supports at no cost to parents and caregivers. Refer to the website for information about locations, contacts, screenings, and other services: Help Me Grow Florida's website
- Developmental Activities for children
- Questions, Answers, and Facts about Help Me Grow
- Complete a Virtual Milestone Checklist - available on Help Me Grow Florida's website
Milestone Tracker Virtual App on Help Me Grow Florida website