TIPS for BDI-2 Personal/Social Domain

Tip Sheet  for PERSONAL-SOCIAL Domain

 Sub-domain: Adult Interaction                    

AI 7: The child expresses displeasure or dislike of certain activities or situations. (Observation or Interview)

  • Child must express displeasure with vocalizations, facial expressions, or physical actions
  • Probe the caregiver for different daily routines
  • FOUR or more DIFFERENT situations in 24 hours to be scored a 2
  • If the caregiver says the child only becomes upset at bedtime but otherwise ‘goes with the flow’, this would be scored a ZERO.

Scoring:  4 or more different situations = 2; two or three different situations = 1; one or zero situation=0.


AI 8: The child expresses enjoyment of or preference for certain activities or situations. (Observation or Interview)

  • Child must express enjoyment with vocalizations, facial expressions, or physical actions
  • Probe the caregiver for different daily routines
  • FOUR or more DIFFERENT situations in 24 hours to be scored a 2
  • If the child only shows enjoyment when presented with food, this would be scored a ZERO. If he shows enjoyment when presented with food, when going outside, AND when given cars this would be scored a ONE.

 Scoring:  4 or more different situations = 2; two or three different situations = 1; one or zero situation=0.


AI 9: Child’s response to peekaboo game. (Structured)

  • An 8 ½ X 11 paper or cardboard should be used, not a handkerchief
  • No time limit on this item
  • Note: AM-10 in the cognitive domain has a one minute criteria of active engagement. You may want to administer both items at the same time.

See Manual for Scoring.       


 AI 11: The child shows appropriate signs of separation anxiety when removed from his or her parent or caregiver. (Structured or Interview)

  • Interview is preferred as the child may have difficulty recovering if he is distressed by parent leaving the room several times during the evaluation
  • If the child doesn’t notice when the parent leaves this is scored a ONE
  • Inconsolable crying or crying longer than 5 minutes is scored a ZERO

 See Manual for Scoring.              


 Subdomain:  Peer Interaction

 PI 3: The child plays independently in the company of peers/plays alone in the company of peers without fighting(Observation or Interview)

  • This item measures the child’s ability to play alone with other children nearby without fighting.
  • If the child will not play alone, this should be scored ZERO
  • If the child fights the majority of the time it is a ZERO

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.

PI 4:  The child initiates social contact with peers in play.  (Observation or Interview)

  • Play is already in progress
  • ‘Initiates’ can be a touch/tap/tug, offering a toy, etc.
  • It doesn’t have to be verbal
  • It must be WITHOUT caregiver or teacher prompting to be scored a 2

 See Manual for Scoring.

 PI 7:  The child plays with a peer, using the same materials, without disturbing the other child’s play. (Observation or Interview)

  • Play occurs next to another child or children with common materials
  • Example: Two kids playing in the block area without taking the other child’s blocks or knocking the blocks down.

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.

PI 12:  The child plays cooperatively with peers. (Observation or Interview)

  • Child will play interactively with another child toward a common goal
  • Example: Two kids playing in the housekeeping area “baking a cake” together or two children working together to build one sand castle. (Chase and Tag are not considered cooperative play)

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.

PI 13:  The child initiates social contacts and interactions with peers.  (Observation or Interview)

  • Examples of appropriate social contact would be: calling a child’s name to invite them to play, asking to join the game, or engaging in conversation with a peer.
  • The difference between PI 4 and PI 13 is PI 13 requires “appropriate” contact and social interaction follows

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.

PI 23:  The child initiates prosocial interactions.  (Observation or Interview)

  • Child must be around UNFAMILIAR
  • If the child doesn’t approach the kids, or doesn’t respond appropriately to conversation initiated by the unfamiliar child, it is scored a ZERO.
  • If the child doesn’t initiate, but waits for the other kids to invite or approach and then responds appropriately to the social overture, it is scored a ONE.

 See manual for further instructions on Scoring.


PI 24:  The child recognizes the basic similarities of all children.  (Structured)

  • READ the question and acceptable responses found on page 54 in the manual.
  • The child must give 2 accurate answers to be scored a TWO.

 Scoring:  Two or more appropriate descriptors = 2; one appropriate descriptor = 1; zero appropriate descriptors or child does not respond = 0.


Subdomain: Self-Concept & Social Role    

SR 5:   The child is aware of his or her feet. (Observation or Interview)

  • Observe child lying or sitting and playing with their feet; however, by age 2 years many children may have stopped doing this
  • Examples for older children might include taking their shoes off or participating in nursery rhymes like ‘This Little Piggy’ using feet

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.

SR 27:  The child recovers from distress in a reasonable amount of time when comforted. (Interview)

  • ‘Distress’ is defined as being frightened, hurt, or sad
  • A ‘reasonable’ amount of time is defined as 5 minutes or less

Scoring:  90% of the time or more = Score 2; Sometimes = Score 1; <10% (rarely or never) Score = 0.