The Engagement and Responsiveness section of TATS Rock Your Classroom provides helpful resources for developing strategies for collaboration among classroom staff, service providers and families to implement practices related to students’ participation throughout daily activities. Specific topics included in this area include engagement, conversations and interactions, including play and participation in routines and activities.
The information in Engagement and Responsiveness is especially helpful for TEACHERS. Please register for the October Learning Community to join in a TATS discussion related to the topics included in Rock Your Classroom as well as in Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards 2017.

Check the TATS Calendar for upcoming opportunities for professional learning.
<<<Link on the calendar icon here or in the top menu bar to see the schedules.
Join us for the October COS Community of Practice, presented in an interactive format. October’s topic of “Conversations” will focus on strategies for supporting skill development and facilitating conversations among children and adults.

The following important documents are included in Rock Your Classroom. These documents are useful in the development of IEP goals and objectives and in identifying and planning for individual strategies to support development and learning. >>> TATS Talks about Supports and Adaptations (information related to implementation of varying levels and types of supports) >>> ECTA’s Breadth of the Outcomes.pdf (examples of functional skills within the three child outcomes)
Following are resources related to helping children during events such as hurricanes: