Child Development Resources
Help Me Grow Florida
Help Me Grow Florida promotes early identification of developmental, behavioral or educational concerns, then links children and families to community-based services and supports at no cost to parents and caregivers. Refer to the website for information about locations, contacts, screenings, and other services: Help Me Grow Florida’s website
- Developmental Activities for children
- Questions, Answers, and Facts about Help Me Grow
- Complete a Virtual Milestone Checklist – available on Help Me Grow Florida’s website
National Center for Disease Control (CDC)
National Center for Disease Control is one of several organizations that provides research-based and/or evidence-based information. The information on the CDC site is free, downloadable, and/or printable. Most informational flyers and brochures are available in both English and Spanish and several are available in other languages upon request. The links listed here are some examples of the resources available on the CDC website: