- Contents
- Resources for Programs
- State Indicator 6
- State Indicator 7
- State Indicator 12
- Livebinder Links
Select a subject from the list of tabs.
Inclusive Language Quick Reference Guide
Gateway to Learning - Closing the Gap - Importance of PreK
Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards 2017
Partnering with Families - Tools for Supervisors developed by The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning for Office of Head Start
Indicator 6 measures the percent of preschool children with Individual Education Plans (IEP's) who received special education and related services in setting with typically developing peers.
Resources for reporting data for Indicator 6 are listed below.
- Decision Tree for Coding Educational Environments
- FLDOE- IDEA Educational Environment Codes
- Office of Special Education - January 2017 - Letter concerning LRE Environment Requirements
Indicator 7 measures the percent of preschool children with Individual Education Plans (IEP's) who demonstrate improved: A. Positive social-emotional skills B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, including early language, communication, and literacy C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs
Steps to Quality for Indicator 7 - with guiding and planning sections
Family Flyer (Descriptions of Child Outcomes Measurements for Families)
The History and Overview of FCOMS

Indicator 12 measures the percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed and implemented by their third birthdays. This is a compliance indicator, meaning the target is 100% compliance. Resources for Indicator 12 are listed below.
Listed below are links to Live Binders developed by TATS to assist you in finding resources for the categories described. Please read the descriptions carefully to determine if you have completed the required trainings for access to the binders listed.
If you have misplaced the entry key to a binder, please contact your TATS Regional Facilitator.
Pre-K ESE Contacts
Contents: Resources for district Pre-K ESE Contacts, includes forms and directions related to state indicators.
Link: https://www.livebinders.com/b/2577297
COS Indicator 7
Contents: General COS resources, recordings of Community of Practice presentations, Q&A, guidance documents & forms, resources for collaborating with families
Link: https://www.livebinders.com/b/2772483
COS Trainer Resources
Contents: Recordings of Trainer-the-Trainer modules, Teacher Training modules, Teacher Toolbox, links to forms and guidance documents, resources for collaborating with families
Note: This binder is available to those who have participated in Train-the-Trainer presentations and satisfactorily completed the case study activity.
Link: https://www.livebinders.com/b/2796494
COS Teacher Resources and Toolbox
Contents: Guidance documents & COS forms, progress monitoring ideas, resources for collaborating with families
Note: This binder is available to those who have completed the TATS COS Teacher training.
Link: https://www.livebinders.com/b/2827513
Building Inclusive Opportunities
Contents: Resources from collaborative Inclusion Conferences by Florida Division of Early Learning (DEL) and Technical Assistance and Training System (TATS) held in 2020, 2021, and 2022 include copies of presentations and inclusion partners' action plans.